Thursday, August 25, 2011

working with jsctags

I've been a C programmer for sometime, I still miss those good days.
Working fine on a Linux machine, using (g)Vim and plugins as an IDE.

Because I use gentoo, not Ubuntu, I had to install those tools without support of apt-get thing.

Here's how I did it.

  1. Install node.js
    Download the source code from here.
    Extract the tar ball, sudo ./configure, make, make install.
    Or you can emerge the masked nodejs package.

  2. Install jsctags
    Do not download source file from!!!
    You should
    git clone --recursive git:// .
    Clone it with "--recursive" or you will fail to build because of the narcissus sub package.
    Then, you can make and make install.

  3. Setup for jsctags
    You should add
    export NODE_PATH="/usr/local/lib/jsctags/:$NODE_PATH"
    in your .bashrc or .profile.

I hope this post helps.

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